Wednesday, January 1, 2014


How about finding the identity of the word 'identity' and knowing the uniqueness of the word 'unique'? Also how identical are the two identical objects to each other ?

Glad you are still reading...

If I am a boy and I wish to create an identical twin of mine,is it possible ?
Let us assume that bio-engineering has advanced to the levels that we can create an 'exact' replica of a man. And here we are,with a new me. But where is he standing right now ? Of course not at the very spot that I have occupied. Because it is already occupied(by me).

Such questions arise while conducting experiments. We may perform various tests on various samples but the can not be called identical to each other. "Why?",glad you asked.

Consider a piece of sodium. This is the test piece we will use for our experiment.
Consider another similar(not using the word identical!) piece same in dimensions and from the same origin. We now perform our experiment with this sample.
Of course we will get the same results on the scales we have right now with us.

But because the atoms of second piece are not occupying the tiny dot of space occupied by those of the first piece,the atoms and other particles of the two samples could be assumed to be in different environments, and the 'difference' in environment is bound to cause differences in results (in a scale we might not have developed yet but I call it uncertainty ).
Congrats,you have reached the end.

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